Soma SCN40 voor het verpompen van vleesemulsie

Sinuspomp voor de vleesindustrieProduct: meat emulsion
Capcity: 10.000 kg/h
Pressure: max.10bar

2 pump units are based directly next to a mixer/grinder. A screw feeder pushes the heavy viscous meat emulsion in the SCN40 pump. The product will be transferred to to holding silos. The pressure pipe is 15m long and has a diameter of 100mm.

Why a Soma pump for this application? 

If meat emulsion is sheared the structure of the meat emulsion will change. This will become visible when there are suddenly strong strings of fat fibers on the outside diameter of the meat emulsion just right after outlet of the pressure pipe.

  • Excellent suction capability on high viscous product - such as a meat emulsion 
  • Constant pulsation free flow 
  • Easy maintenance - all parts can be exchanged inline - without taking the pump out of the system.

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